Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, the iconic duo who brought Walter White and Jesse Pinkman to life in the hit TV series Breaking Bad, have embarked on a new adventure – entrepreneurship. In 2019, they co-founded Dos Hombres, a mezcal company that has since gained global recognition and success.
Breaking the Stereotype: Dos Hombres: The Mezcal Company on the Rise
While celebrity liquor brands have become increasingly common, Dos Hombres stands out for its authenticity and dedication to quality. The Mezcal is made from hand-selected agave plants in Oaxaca, Mexico, using traditional methods passed down through generations. Cranston and Paul have made it their mission to honor the spirit’s rich history while also introducing it to a new generation of drinkers.
Their efforts have paid off – Dos Hombres has been met with critical acclaim and is now available in over 30 countries. In an industry dominated by established brands, the duo has managed to create a unique product that stands out from the crowd.
Beyond the success of their business, Cranston and Paul’s journey to entrepreneurship is a testament to the power of breaking stereotypes. Both actors were initially typecast as “criminals” due to their roles in Breaking Bad, but they have since proven that they are capable of much more. Their dedication to creating a high-quality product and their commitment to honoring Mezcal’s heritage is a testament to their entrepreneurial spirit.
In a world where luxury and lifestyle often go hand in hand, Dos Hombres offers something different – a product with a rich cultural history and a commitment to quality.
By embracing their passion for Mezcal and breaking away from their on-screen personas, Cranston and Paul have created an authentic and innovative brand. Their journey from fictional criminals to successful entrepreneurs is an inspiration to us all.